May 19, 2011

How To Get a Lebanese Teenager . . . .

. . . .really upset?

Well, first have the school send this message in the afternoon, so he doesn't have to do any homework, or prepare whatsoever, and have him hang on the phone to organize beach plans for the next day  . . . 
and then just as he is about the settle down for a late night movie,  send this one. That should do the trick.
I wouldn't want to be this guy's teacher today, 'cause his brains are at the beach.


nicolien said...

Teenagers' brains are always at the beach...

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

hahahaha! I used to not show up the next day and pretend I never got the SMS! :)

libanizi said...

That's part of the glorious Lebanese experience. If it wasn't that way, you wouldn't know where you live ;)

cialis online said...

hahaha i can't believe it in some way, but because of the times that are we and how the society is right is pretty good for students to be controlled like this, they ask for it in some way.