April 16, 2011

I Am Not Making This Up

And so I came back from the Ministry of Higher Education. Higher Education. I write that twice, in case you missed that part. I took me only an hour. That is good. The Ministry had to send an e-mail to my Dutch university, remember? That was on April 2nd. We’re 2 weeks further now. And I had to check whether that mission has been successful.

As far as my mission goes, well what can I say?

You probably think I am making these things up. That my actual life is simple and uneventful. Boring even. And that - in an attempt to make my life sound more interesting – I make up all these wild stories and adventures. Just like some people post pictures of virtual trips to imaginary holiday destinations, to make all their Facebook friends envy them. To make them feel that their own pathetic little lives really pale in comparison to others. I bet you are thinking this.

But if I would invent things, I’d have to invent things that at least sound probable, no? Things that you could imagine to actually have happened. I mean, if you make it so surreal, people will think; “Oh, come on, you’re making that one up.”

But I swear. I do not make this up. These things actually happen to me. For real. I bet you want to know what happened at this Ministry of Higher Education now, don’t you? Higher Education.

Let me digress first. And start with the good things in my life.
Spring has started. The sun is shining. My house is paid for. I have no debts. My children are both healthy. I saw only 3 F’s on their last report cards, which by all means, is pretty fantastic if you ask me. My entire extended family is healthy. My parents, 96 and 90, are still alive, living on their own, and enjoying life so much that coming month they will fly down to Lebanon again for a visit. They love this country. I live in a place where the people are absolutely warm and caring and hospitable and good. A country that has so much to offer in terms of nature, history, food, cultural diversity, people, architecture and many other things. I have a job. I have good friends. I love my neighborhood. I am married to a man who made such a funny joke at 5:00 AM this morning that I would marry him all over again. I had to leave the bed and run to the bathroom. (Yes, at my age, there is a link between laughing and toilets. You’ll get it once you reach that age, you young people.)

So incredibly many things to be thankful for. So really, I’ve got good vibes all around me.

Now back to the Ministry of Higher Education. Higher Education.

They could not send the e-mail.

Why not, you ask?

Well, there was the question whether the e-mail address I provided some 18 months ago started with a capital letter or not. I mean, the difference between Examencommissie.svj@hu.nl or examencommissie.svj@hu.nl, is really a question we should ponder over. For a while, at least.

I’m cool. As I said, I’ve got so many things to be thankful for. And really, if you look at the big picture, isn’t that what really matters? I’ve got to come back next Thursday, to see the man in charge of sending e-mails.

At the Ministry of Higher Education. Higher Education.


joseph said...

Haha. This is so funny.

In all seriousness though, slip them LL 20,000 and this whole saga will be over.

Patrick said...

You know what they say ...
The difference between fiction and real life is that fiction must be believable.

So far your real life lives up to expectations :-)

htj said...

This would have been hilarious if it wasn't so sad.

And yet, I still laughed so hard, that I had to leave my chair running for the bathroom.

Anonymous said...

Happened to me when someone asked me for my email address over the phone: could I spell it please, and then he asked if it started with a capital Y or a normal Y.

Mind you, this guy worked for KPN, the Dutch telecom provider, and he was trying to sell high speed internet access to me.

What you think, sale or fail?

Sami O said...

Why do u need your degree to be recognized by the government? I thought companies in Lebanon don't really mind when the degree is European North American?
And by the way the 20,000LL idea will probably save you another couple of months!

Anonymous said...

There's a man in charge of sending emails and I'm toiling around in grad school working my eyeballs raw? No seriously! Can you pick me up an application?

ESukkar said...

joseph is right - pay the bribe and be done already - even if you live as long as your parents, they still wouldn't send the email by then!

Anonymous said...

Why not ask for the email of the person in charge in the "higher education" ministry?
Then you will be the sender.

Danielle said...

I'll say it before, and I'll say it again..this is absolute insanity! I don't know how you keep cool during all of these visits! I seriously would have flipped my shit! Update us on the next steps.. woosah woosahhh!

Liliane said...

OMG NO WAY OMG! hahahha this is so sitcom material :S