This afternoon I had lunch outside in the sun with friends, but halfway during dinner tonight, we had to scramble inside. We’re running around to get the cushions in on time, but by the time we’re done, the wine glasses are already half-filled with rain water. We sit down inside, and comment on the tremendous lightning, when we realize that the windows in the ENTIRE house are all open. Just then, the main power plant stops operating and there’s a massive black-out in my part of town. It takes a minute for the building’s generator to kick in, in the meantime it rains in, but we cannot find the windows.
Lunch with Dutchies
It’s a good way to start the beginning of the end of the summer. The weather forecast predicts rain till Tuesday. The beaches are empty now, only the Dutch, and other half-wit foreigners still go. It was a good summer.
It may, or may not, be the end of Ramadan. It seems that these days the shia and the sunni can’t even agree on that anymore.
I’ve got a wedding tomorrow. It’s a mixed marriage; the best, in my humble opinion. Or at least the best for this country. I must say that the Dutch have done a great job in mixing up the confessional divide here in Lebanon. This particular marriage is actually of a half-Dutch-half Lebanese girl, but the Mom is Dutch, and so the Dutch come out in force to celebrate this. We’ll try and behave.

It’s a good way to start the beginning of the end of the summer. The weather forecast predicts rain till Tuesday. The beaches are empty now, only the Dutch, and other half-wit foreigners still go. It was a good summer.
It may, or may not, be the end of Ramadan. It seems that these days the shia and the sunni can’t even agree on that anymore.
I’ve got a wedding tomorrow. It’s a mixed marriage; the best, in my humble opinion. Or at least the best for this country. I must say that the Dutch have done a great job in mixing up the confessional divide here in Lebanon. This particular marriage is actually of a half-Dutch-half Lebanese girl, but the Mom is Dutch, and so the Dutch come out in force to celebrate this. We’ll try and behave.

"Miss, Amsterdam is mispelled; it should be an m, not an n," says a gentleman.
"No," says Anne, "I'm Anne, from Ansterdam."
this years weather has been really weird...enjoy the wedding!
Jammer dat ik gisteren de hele dag op de Iraanse ambassade moest vertoeven en daardoor de uitstap missen moest. Hoe was het met Rik en Christa?
Met Rick was het dikke mik :)
anne it should be "misspelled"
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