By that time our Dutch Sharif had gotten lost somewhere on the parking lot (but we know better; the local ladies just could not resist this Dutch & Egyptian mixture), Theo tried to leave with someone else’s dinner jacket, Andre was raiding the bathrooms for the lovely towels, Morticia had appropriated a case of Chablis that no one was allowed to touch, Deb lost her shoes and received worried phone calls from her son ("Mom, where ARE you? Do you know what time it is?"), Tamara finally got her picture with Nancy Ajram, Rick was steaming on the dance floor (so was his Dad, by the way), and Fester confessed that he’d love to eat a biscuit with me (Dutch expression).

The lovely couple, Sarah & Hisham, and the 3 Dutch bridesmaids.
Yes, the Dutch were out in force, thanks to the lovely mother of the bride, a fellow Dutchie. Of course no one can party like the Lebanese, but we showed them last night that you can’t ignore the Dutch either.
The mother of the bride; A Dutchie (of course)
A busload of Dutch came over all the way from Holland, as this was the wedding of the daughter of one of our Dutch in Lebanon. And I think that after tonight they are all going to stay. They’re all figuring out ways to rent an apartment here, so they can live the way the Lebanese live. Or the way they think the Lebanese live. Because all of this glitter and glam is of course just a layer of gild on top of a not so beautiful society.
Some of theDutch mail contingent, Rick, Sharif & Theo
A not-so-beautiful society because the absolutely lovely couple, who have been together now for a long time, was not allowed to marry inside Lebanon, because of their different religion. They had to fly abroad (Cyprus it is these days, for most Lebanese civil marriages. You get a complete package deal these days for under $900), to tie the knot, because our own government does not recognize them as a couple within their own religions.
The bride & groom with a certain Nancy something
Both of them – luckily – couldn’t care less, but it is sad to see that so many of our most beautiful and brightest, who couldn’t care less about the confessional divide(s) that slowly but surely wrecks this society, have to go abroad in order to get married.
But who cared last night? The ladies came out in force with their fantastic hairdos and dresses and jewelry and dainty little handbags, and the men in dark suits made it look like a regular Mafioso convention. A totally star-studded event. .

haha i did notice the incoherence in your post and was wondering if she was at a Wedding with a capital W last night, how did she have time to prepare the pictures and compile such a post!
I really like the first picture. And that lady with a mustache, haha 7aram.
So really, more dutchies wanna rent in Lebanon? That's cool. I was in wedding on Saturday with a mixture of German & Lebanese, who got married in Cyprus (civil) 2 years ago, and now they did it in a church with the whole party and everything.
Wat een sexy pictures... we had a lovely evening, but Allyson wants to be tagged...
Dear Sietske,
I am a fan of your weblog. I love Beirut and have good friends there and I always wondered what would be to live in this city. You give me a taste of it...:)
I live for seven years in Amsterdam, but I come from Lisbon. It was also a small adventure to come and live amoungst the Dutchies, eheh... Maybe a bit on the inverse direction of your adventure: south/north instead of north/south.
Anyway, I'll be in Beirut in a month with a performance about a Green Monster. I think you would like it. It will be during the Beirut's Street Festival. I would like to invite you to come to a debate I will organize at Zico's House on the 23rd. Send me your email and I'll send you the project program. I am interested in your opinion. My email is: martapisco@gmail.com.
Looking forward to hear from you,
ps: love the last photo you posted. Had to think of a romantic ballet... La Sylphide?:))
Sietske. it was incredible to see how many crazy dutchies are around in Lebanon, that's why it's so quiet in Holland. I miss the party place, I'm back in dully NL.
xxx Layla the bellydancer
Looks like it was quite a grand wedding, and these pictures from the event are amazing. Everybody is looking great and seem time to be having a wonderful time. I’m also hoping to have a similarly enjoyable time at my best friend’s wedding next week at one of the best event locations in our area.
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