December 18, 2010

There, I Fixed It II

I was not going to blog about it, because it’s at my work place, and I do not blog about my work place or colleagues (you can get fired over that), but my own boss said I should, so here we go;
Last weekend it rained quite heavily (heavenly, some would say). And for some reason, most of that water accumulated on the roof of my office. And then started to seep through the ceiling. This seeping turned into dripping and finally it was raining inside all over the place. The physical department came and took a good look at it.
Does this usually happen?” asked the head of the physical department.

No,” I replied, “Only when it rains.”

It’s been like that since I moved into this office, some 5 years ago. Well, I went home after work, and bought myself a pair of rubber boots for the next day.

But the next day, they had ‘fixed’ it. They had drilled holes in the ceiling, and had a funnel - with a garden hose attached to it which hangs out of the window – installed under the hole. I’ve got a blue funnel and a beige one, for some added color.  


Tarek said...

Yay! Now you have water to do the dishes!

Quite environmentally friendly!

Angie Nader said...

haha! thats funny

Max Boughner said...

Hah! That's a pretty clever idea! At least, you got to solve it for a little while. So, did you get it fixed?