June 12, 2008


Beirut apparently once was the Paris of the Middle East. That is what they say. I never saw her that way; I arrived when she was well into the autumn of her life. She’s trying on her second youth, with rejuvenation plans and all, but I kind of like her old glory.Take her city beaches for instances. How many metropolitan cities in the world have beaches? Right in town? Downtown even? There cannot be that many. Most big towns are inland. Those that are coastal, are often industrial (Rotterdam for instance) so too ugly for beaches. Rio de Janeiro has beaches. So does. Los Angeles. But these are so massive that it still may be an hour drive to get to the beaches. In Beirut, you are pretty much within 20 minutes at the beach.

These days most of Beirut’s city beaches are upscale 5 star resorts. But they are cold and clean. No character whatsoever. My favorite ones are a few old ones; hidden behind the dilapidated Luna Park. That one has had its best days as well. These are beaches that haven’t been refurbished since the 60’s, and exhale the old glory days when Beirut was indeed the Paris of the Middle East. Those days are over and gone. I don’t think they will ever come back. The glamour has left it. But when you go to these old beaches, you still feel it a little. Like a trip back in time. They are a little run-down. Not very clean. But somehow, they are quite glamorous. A little nostalgia.


Anonymous said...

Nice photos!
Is this the Long Beach? or is it Sporting?

Anonymous said...

I believe this is Long Beach behind the Nijmeh soccer field. Used to be a great beach in the old days. Spent lots of time there in my youth.

You are right prior to 1975 (the year I left) Beirut was the Paris of the east in every way. I grew up in Hamra. You should have seen it then.

Anonymous said...

I used to go to the Sporting, next to the Long Beach :)

We did not appreciate enough how lucky we were to live in Lebanon before the war. We had to detroy it and become exiled in a -15C Canadian winter to regret the good old days. Why? Because of stupid politics.

Check my blog, I have posted three pics from the 60's and a nostalgic post about Beirut.

Anonymous said...

This is Long Beach.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy reading your blog, particularly enjoy your enjoyment of Beirut. It is a wonderful place. Puzzled though by your latest. Beaches in Los Angeles may be an hour's drive for most inhabitants, but honestly don't understand your reference to Rio. I lived there for 3 years and the biggest 'problem' I had was the temptation posed by the fact that there were so many city beaches, all far too close. Made getting work every day that much more of a challenge.

Anonymous said...

Nice of you to show the Long Beach! I have people in my family who are the owners of this beach club, and yes it is quite an institution amongst native Beirutis (not those who come from other places and live there).
It's always had this run-down middle class vibe to it, it never was a super chic exclusive beach club.
This brings back good memories!