June 13, 2008

Brilliant Dutch thrash France

I didn’t make that one up, you can read it here. Ah, what can I say? When we play, we play!

Laura (van Dora) and Simon of 'Old Amsterdam'
The venue; Old Amsterdam in Beirut (seaside road, between Vanlian and Geant), a.k.a. ‘Laura van Dora’. A couple of courageous Frenchmen joined the Dutch community. They started off boisterous enough, but after the second goal, the French became rather . . . silencieux. They took it well enough. Okay, who's next?Join us for the next game; Tuesday, 7 P.M.

Goal # 1Goal # 2Goal # 3Goal # 4


Tantalus said...
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Tantalus said...

I knew it was going to happen! Let's watch Netherlands whip some Romanian butt on June 17.

This year's cup is Dutch.

Anonymous said...

I was in Bern yesterday. Some 50.000 Dutch, and about .... ehh... 500 French? No wonder we creamed them. And the locals in Switzerland have started to dress in orange as well. Now we know the Swiss will get into any uniform as long as you pay them, but this time they do it for free, ha! Y.

Anonymous said...

mabrouk! :D
I second Tantalus, although I support Germany but I believe the cup will be yours this year!

Anonymous said...

Rami supports Germany? Siets, can you remove that post? Y.

Anonymous said...

Lieve allemaal, wat jammer dat ik er niet bij ben! Ik zit ondertussen, na een intermezzotje Rome en Toscane in regenachtig Eindhoven! Ik neem aan dat jullie het toch wel redden zonder mij en dat alles naar wens zal verlopen!

Toitoitoi en tot snel! (Ben 4 juli terug!)