The Lebanese are not really into maintaining things. They rather seem to use something until it breaks down, and then replace it. No maintenance necessary. And so somewhere in town there is this huge lot with what most be over a 150 dilapidated buses, some trains, and a lot of railroad. I don’t know whether the place serves as a spare part depot, or whether they don’t have any other way of disposing of them permanently. The neighborhood street dogs really seem to enjoy the place though; there must have been tens of them. They came out of all the buses as I walked by. They just barked, didn’t do anything.

What a miraculous place to be. Love the picts and the experience. Used to play on grounds like this when I was young, drawing a map of the "secret place" is tracking me again!!
Thank YOU
great photos, Sietske! I've been told that the bus graveyard is also the old Beirut train station - are those old railroad ties?
You can use some materials from here to re-build your own railway and lorry for your railway station.
Hi, What is the address of this place in beirut??? thank you
Norsa, it is near the bridge that crosses the Beirut river there where the Sunday market is held.
Norsa, it is near the bridge that crosses the Beirut river there where the Sunday market is held.
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