November 15, 2007

The Insolent Dogs

My Mom is in town. As she walks through the house, she looks at a couple of framed notes in Arabic that are hanging on the wall.
“What are those?” she asks.
“Eviction notes.”
“What do you mean, eviction notes?”
“Well, when the Israelis want to bomb us, they drop flyers first, to give us time to get out of the neighborhood. We’ve collected them and framed some of the nicest.”

She looks at me in disbelief.
“No! You’re kidding!”
No, we’re not kidding. We’ve got some really old ones, dating from 1982, but the latest ones are from the 2006 summer war.

Well, have I ever, what impertinence!” she says. “The insolent dogs (In Dutch ‘brutale honden’).”
This is as hard an insult as you will ever get out of my mom.

My husband thinks this is very funny.
“Look at your mom. She is upset with the Israelis.”
And although the economy, and everyone I know, is in a depression, the construction industry continues booming. Can someone explain me the mechanism of this?
A nice quote I lifted off this blog: ‘If you are not confused by Lebanese politics, then the subject has not been explained to you properly.’

1 comment:

Super Dude said...

"Can someone explain me the mechanism of this?"

You mean you never heard of the Lebanese miracle?