October 31, 2007


And so Halloween arrived. It was a close call. The dog suit got sewn, but then she almost got sick. She was blowing thick green bubbles from her nostrils as she was in- and exhaling. But she’s got a Neanderthal constitution (ah yes, the Dutch part of her) and so off she went, as a dog, green bubbles and all.
“Oh, what a cute bear,” said the school nurse.
“No, I’m a dog.”
“Oh yes, of course you are, dear.”

“Oh, look at that strong lion,” said the teacher.
“No, I’m a dog.”
“Yes, a dog. That’s what I meant. Did I say lion?”

What!? Something wrong with the costume?


DC said...

Only things that would help are a tail (can't see if there is one in the picture) and if you put a little black face paint on her nose. Other than that it's a dog to me. Of course I've been called a nerd many times when it's quite obvious I'm waldo.

Anonymous said...

What a nice puppy anyway !

Michael van Eekeren said...

Ik vind het zo grappig dat jij als Nederlandse in Beiroet, getrouwd met een Libanees, als een typische expat zowel Nederlandse als Amerikaanse tradities in ere houdt.