Well, I guess somebody had to pick up on that. (Hat-tip to Observer, who pointed it out to me).
Jewel heists target Asians
One recent robbery included a male thief disguised in a head-to-toe burqa
Nov. 21, 2006. 10:14 AM
Abdul Rasheed Khalid was alone in his Brampton jewellery store filling the display cases with yellow gold rings and necklaces when two people, one wearing a head-to-toe black burqa, appeared outside his locked door.
"Salamu alaikum," the 58-year-old store owner said after pushing the entry buzzer, believing them to be a Muslim couple. There was no reply, and seconds later the pair — both males — forced him at gunpoint to the back office where he was bound with duct tape and hit several times. Then his store was cleaned out.
"Keep quiet, keep quiet, close your eyes," they said, while emptying the red velvet trays into duffel bags carried by an accomplice. Khalid caught a glimpse of the crooks. He thinks they were Pakistani or Indian. (…)
In the meantime, Michael Totten has opened this discussion as well. I kind of liked this comment by one reader; ‘it is illegal for men to wear masks when entering banks, court houses and schools - why not women?’
Most people that responded thought it made sense, but did not like the way it was presented. Provocative, was the word.
But Leila in Iran said this: ‘what they are doing in the Netherlands is absolutely correct. Beside all the legal reasons and justifications your emigration office makes, this jungle the Islamic extremists trying to make out of normal societies is disgusting. You probably know that the number of these women in your country is 50. So, all this fuss about this number of people? Oh, come on! You see, I have no problem with the beliefs of people. What I find really outrageous is that they are misusing the freedom given to them. They are trying to impose themselves on the society:"Ah-ha, you claim we are free? Let's see how far you can go! How much you can tolerate us?"’
She’s got some nice pictures on the veil in Iran and the veil in London.
She’s got some nice pictures on the veil in Iran and the veil in London.
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