June 10, 2005

Busy Busy Busy

Not much happening, but at the same time a lot of things are happening. Third round of elections is coming up; it’s between Aoun en Joumblatt this weekend and it looks like it is getting nasty.
Joumblatt in the meantime gave an interview last night on TV in which he accused, or actually insulted, Bajsaar el-Assad, the Syrian president. He accuses Syria for not pulling out all its people, in particular the Secret Service people, and gave places where you can still find them, dates when they were there, and names of people. It is as if he has a death wish. After Samir Kassem, the journalist that got blown up last week, he seems next in line, and it almost looks like he is preparing fro it. He went to France, just this week, to see his family. His kids are not in Lebanon, as he knows very well that a man’s children would be the first target. So his kids are somewhere safe in France, and he went to visit them, as if it was to say goodbye. If anyone is going to get blown up next, he might be a pretty good target. I hope not, this will make the situation very bad.

Then we have the final weeks of school. We have to revise the curriculum maps, prepare for celebration days, organize the grades for the report cards. On top of this the school is 100 years, so we have parties and galas left and right, and then I have to pack the entire classroom since I am moving to another building, and on June 29 I start with my next Masters Course (for which I have yet to open a book). And then Trouw needs election articles. (See article below I wrote).