March 01, 2010

Service Announcement

If you are Dutch, and in Lebanon, come and eat a real Dutch winter dish, ‘erwtensoep’ , at Anne’s on Thursday, March 4t at 8 o'clock in the Rising Phoenix in Ain Mreiseh. For reservations, mail Annesteenkamp at yahoo dot com. Be quick, because these Dutch meals are quite popular.


  1. Ah, sheesh, I'm a continent and an ocean away! Erwtensoep and I go way back. Eet smakelijk.

  2. wait, i remember a previous post about dutch food... don't think i'll be there, tomorrow... :)

  3. Hey Siets, I guess its time to start promoting my eco-thingy too then...

    Love from Amman and enjoy de erwtensoep... Vind 'm wel een bietje duur, trouwens!

  4. @Theo
    Eco thingy in Amman? pls elaborate!

    Wel een beetje erg ned. opmerking :)
