February 18, 2010

A Beautiful Life

Last night, I saw a glimpse of the ‘old Beirut’. When Beirut was ‘Beyrouth’. The Beirut from the time when this city really was the ‘Paris of the Middle East’. The Beirut of the high society and fast movers, of king makers and culture, of skiing in the morning and water skiing in the afternoon. Yes, that Beirut. The legendary Beirut, the city we only know from stories. The Beirut that had seized to exist well before the beginning of the civil war. The city that we somehow doubt really existed.

I had dinner with one of its ‘Grande Dames’.

She did not speak much. But when she spoke, you saw snippets of a beautiful and glamorous life. Of skiing in the Cedars in the fifties, when in Europe no one had even heard of skiing yet, and water skiing at the St. George Yacht Club, when women in the western world were only just barely gaining their independence. Of nights out in Monaco, of operas in Paris, and ballets in Vienna. Of parties with presidents, princes, marquises and movie stars, of cabriolets and yachts. Of residences in Paris and Acapulco, of beauty queens and billionaires. Of painters and composers, fashion designers and owners of airline companies and multi-nationals, and photo-shoots for Vogue and l’Officiel. It sounded so simple and natural, not snobbish at all. Just a matter of fact.

She spoke about her work. She – in her eighties – still goes on business trips. She is in negotiation with jazz ensembles and sopranos and still meets with presidents. Those that shared that beautiful life with her are all long gone, or had their fortunes turned. Yet there is no regret that those days are bygones.

The scales have tipped since then. Old money has long gone, the ‘nouveau riche’ have taken over town, and they don’t have that subdued style. It’s all flashy, and on the outside. But last night, over a simple dinner with this beautiful lady, I saw bits and pieces of that Beirut.

I am not easily impressed. But last night, I was impressed


  1. Ja Siets, zeg eens wie.... dan hebben we weer een onderwerp om over te kletsen de volgende keer dat we samen zijn. Ik ben overigens gezond verklaard door de neuroloog in Nederland. Hotel Dieux had wel iets over het hoofd gezien, maar ik heb dus eigenlijk niks. Zelfs geen alcoholvergiftiging!

  2. I guess that the nouveaux riches, who indeed are mostly not so subdued, also don't feel the need for 'old culture'. Classical music, ballet, art, who cares. Now they would prefer lady gaga performing at the festival of Baalbeck.

  3. I have to say, @Francine, that I would love Lady Gaga performing in Lebanon. But maybe the Byblos Festival is a better choice. Or she could come and perform at 'The Aqaba House', a mayor stage in the south of Jordan...
    Wij gaan zeker kijken, hè Siets?!

  4. Hallo Mw Sietske,
    Leuk om uw overzichtelijke site met commmets te lezen. Het leesplezier straalt er vanaf en er is gevoel voor understatement en reality. De website is zeer overzichtelijk met met goede links voor de toerist! en lezers. Kreeg een tip van een journaliste om deze site te bekijken en ook de foto's spraken mij aan.Was ik jong dan zat ik in Beiroet i.p.v. vroeger o.a. in Parijs!Ik was benieuwd naar de link
    cheap en alternative accomodation. Zoek voor mijn netto zoon,student van 23 ivm 3 maandelijkse stage een schone goedkope kamer voor 3 mnd tot 15 $ per dag liefst centrum Beiroet.Mag ik u met deze vraag lastig vallen? Bij voorbaat heel veel dank voor de eventuele te nemen moeite en u een goede gezondheid toewensend,mvg
    G>J. Geling gelos@telfort.nl
