February 14, 2010

All You Need . . .

Sometimes all you need is . . . an empty beach . . .two scrounged plastic beach chairs . . .and a friend . . .who has a husband . . .who sends over a waiter . . .with a bottle of white wine . . .
and chips with a dip . . . to make a lovely day.
and a beach babe doing stretches on a a flat tire for added entertainment.

I’m telling you; the weather has been absolutely gorgeous lately. No skiing though, but who needs to ski if you have the beach. It took me a while to get out of Beirut today, on account of the demonstration downtown. I don’t know anyone anymore who is going to the demonstration. It used to be that I didn’t know anyone not going. But five years was all the politicians needed to alienate everyone, and I mean everyone; all sides are fed up with politics & politicians.
I saw on the news that somewhere in Indonesia muslim ladies in chador are demonstrating against Valentine’s day, being an American cultural infusion and all that, and they’re burning the teddy bears with the hearts and all that stuff. Luckily we’re not that narrow-minded in; any excuse for a celebration is a good excuse. Last week it was Saint Maroun, sometime next week it’s Mohamed. We celebrate everything in this place. Life’s too short not to.


  1. And we emjoyed this day tremendously!!!! To be continued..... (or rahter, repeated!)

  2. And we enjoyed this day tremendously!!!! To be continued..... (or rahter, repeated!)

  3. The location is Rimal/Nahr El-Kalb/Christ Roi :)

  4. Almost right kheireddine! It's Holiday Beach, Nahr el Kelb!
