December 17, 2007

Beirut in Twilight

Today the government announced - and subsequently cancelled – presidential elections. This is the 9th time. I think we’ll make it into the Guinness Book of Records pretty soon. As a result, they closed down the roads. So the turkey lunch at work had to be cancelled, because the caterers, with a turkey in tow, were not allowed to pass the army check point into our area.
View to the NorthView to the south

It took the kids an hour and a half to get home, a distance of one kilometer, because the closure of some major roads in town caused a massive traffic jam.

One of the guys at work got blown up over the weekend when he changed the gas canister for his stove. He died this morning. And two kids at my son’s school have been diagnosed with cancer this year. Lately this place feels like the twilight zone.

There is snow in the mountains!

On the other hand, this is my view when going and coming from work. I see this every day! People in Holland work an entire year to be able to pay and see this for 3 weeks in summer. And this is also twilight (the sun sets early here. Sunset was at 4:31 PM Today).

Don’t you think this place is well worth it?


Djaddi said...

Sorry about your co-worker... That's pretty awful.

The best view is on the corniche, at the bottom of AUB, facing straight to the East. With a snowy Mt. Sannine. I always liked parking my car there when I was a student, just to see the view. I should take a picture of it when I get back to Beirut!

Anonymous said...

Question: "Don’t you think this place is well worth it?"

Answer: NO !

Super Dude said...

BTW, those views are not North and South, they are East and West.

Anonymous said...

Superdude, explain. The sun sets in the west, and the sun sets over the sea. So if sea is the west, then I am looking north and south. No?

Super Dude said...


I used to think the same when I was 10, I was so confused.

I posted a reply with a picture explaining why here.

Anonymous said...

hallo Sietske,

wij kennen elkaar niet maar ik bekijk af en toe je weblog.
Ik heb een "off topic" vraag, namelijk: kun jij een goede zomercursus Arabisch aanbevelen in Beiroet? Ik heb al een basis in MSA en zou graag een begin willen maken met Levantijns dialect.

Ik ben al op de hoogte van de zomercursussen die door AUB en de Saint Joseph University worden aangeboden, maar ik ben nog op zoek naar andere opties, omdat aan beide cursussen voor mij nadelen kleven.

Mocht je in de gelegenheid zijn om te reageren en adviezen kunnen geven, dan hoor ik dat graag. Je kunt mij bereiken op wereldburger at hetnet punt nl.

Alvast hartelijk bedankt.

Anonymous said...


SuperDude is correct from that location on the Corniche when you were looking at the mountains, you were looking NE but more East than North. When you were looking the opposite way, you were looking SW, more West than South.

Never the less It's a beautifull spot.