May 06, 2005

My Back

For months now, or more accurate, a couple of years now, I knew I had to change the soil in the planter on the balcony, because it was too ‘saline’ (as I was told is the accurate terminology). Now it’s a planter of 8.6 x 0.55 x 0.50, which is about 2.5 cubic meter of soil. I know from previous gardening experiences that once you are done with gardening, you are walking bent over for the next week due to serious back pain. So this year I decided – just when the Syrians leave the country, so it’s difficult to hire hands – to have it done by someone else, in order to avoid this back pain. All I had to do is supervise. In a weird twist of fate however, the gods decided to punish me for my supervisory role in this gardening expedition, and decided to give me back pain anyway. I have had to roll in and out of the bed for the past three days. I am walking around the house as if I am 12 months pregnant, Walid has to tie my shoelaces, I cannot get my underwear on, and I survive thanks to the pharmaceutical industries. Last night I was seeing stars. Bruphen 400 is good, but it seems there's Bruphen 800 on the market as well.
I would love to show the lovely red roses that are in my ‘new’ planter, red roses from Syria, cost only $10 a piece, and quite long, but I have to get out and make a picture, and my entire right arm is numb due to this back pain, so the picture will have to come later.
My brother has started a log as well (

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