January 03, 2012

New Year's Eve

I just 'came down the mountain', as we say in Lebanon, where I spent New Year’s Eve.
I read lots of blog posts on where to spend your New Year’s Eve in Beirut, but when you’re as wise (read ‘old’) as I am, you realize that all of these events and venues are usually much overrated. And when you get to see the price tag that goes with it, you know they’re totally overrated. Add to that a horrendous hangover, and the decision is made; we’re staying home this New Year.
Or actually, we went 'to the mountains', where we have a little house.

I bought fireworks, but when the clock struck 12, I think our house was pretty much the only one in the neighborhood that had fireworks. Actually, we were the only ones in town. I can see the entire mountain face from my house, but I am pretty sure that there were about 3 other people with fireworks. There were a couple of Kalashnikoffs out there; you can recognize them from their orange trace lights. Oh well, I was thinking, the Lebanese are not into fireworks as much as much as the Dutch are.
And then I hear from my son, who stayed in Beirut with the ‘real’ people, as he calls it, that they had a huge firework display downtown for some 10 minutes straight. Tell me that isn’t true, please.

Well, I spent it with family (minus the soon to be adult teenager of our household) in front of the fireplace and it was good. Although next year I might invest a little more in the fireworks.
And so from Beirut, I wish you (slightly belated) that this year may bring you four F's; Good times with Family and Friends, a good Financial Situation and great Physical health (okay, that one just sounds like an F). As far s I am concerned, that just about sums it all up.


Gray Fox said...

And the same three "F's" and a "PH" to you....

Sietske said...

Thank you Gray Fox!!! :)