April 03, 2011

Picnic at the Pepsi Can Place

The Mediterranean Sea
We call it the ‘Pespi Can Place;’ a small deserted lot on the seaside, so named because one of the cousins spotted a Pepsi can on the ground there once and he picked it up and emptied it. In his mouth. He drank it! God knows how long that can had been there, and who had drank from it, and what kind of bugs were floating in there. By the time his mom spotted it, it was too late. I thought she was going to have a heart attack. And so this is that Place of the Pepsi Can. I won’t tell you where it is.
There were natural rock pools for the little kids with nicely heated water

 It’s always empty, except for a fisherman or two, and usually clean. They only people that seem to go there are shepherds with their sheep and goats, and they don’t leave too much trash. It was a lovely Sunday. They say that this week is going to be cold and rainy. I don’t care; my weekend was warm and sunny.
Clouds coming in; the weather is changing tonight (they say)


Patrick said...

> And so this is that Place of the Pepsi Can. I won’t tell you where it is.

Oh come one ... Everyone knows the world famous Pepsi Can Beach. It's just 5 minutes south of Pierre and Friends! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for answering my un-asked question ;-)
Now I know where I will be swimming this summer.

joseph said...

"Bicnic at the Bebsi Can Blace"

Afif said...

You have the best blog, it shows Lebanon, it's relaxed, and it's not politics :)

Sietske said...

Hahah, you guys are funny. Bebsi Can Blace. Yes indeed, but is it really 5 minutes south of Pierre and Friends? Who are Pierre and Friends? How come I don't know about them. Is it possible there is a spot in this place I haven't set foot yet? Next week. I'm going to explore Pierre and Friends? Is it closer to Jammal's? (You see, I know that one).

Patrick said...

Pierre And Friends is right next to the military checkpoint on the seaside road. Between Pepsi Can Place and Jammal.

Here, I found a picture online taken from the opposite side of yours showing Pierre and Friends beach (the rocks int he foreground) and Pepsi Can Place (in the distance)!

Patrick said...

Oops silly me forgot to link the image

here you go

Sietske said...

Ahhh, well, you're close, but not exactly yet. That military checkpoint by the way, I could a dedicate a post to that one. They had a homemade barrier with one of those oil drums, cut in half, and well, to make a long story short, I hooked onto one with my door. Got a deep cut in my car door over the entire length. Hmmmmm. Guess I need to get that fixed.

Sietske said...

Oh, and thank you Afif!

Patrick said...

Yes you should write a post on that silly slalom checkpoint...

Actually you know what, you should unleash the "beast" on them, like you did with the no parking guy and ABC's no photo guys, then go to Pierre and Friends, have a drink to get all Zen again, then do the post ;-)

Danielle said...

Absolutely loving this one.. lol @bebsi can blace.. Seitske! YOU haven't been to Pierre and Friends yet? Drop what you're doing and go..NOW!