November 17, 2010

Things that Make You Go Hmmmmm.

Now and then, you read these things that make you go “Hhhmmm.”
Like this one. It seems the village of Gajar was taken from Syria by the Israelis in 1967. Israel occupied the southern part, Syria had the northern part. During a readjustment of the demarcation line, Gajar was then moved into Lebanese territory. A UN blue line has split the village of some 2000 inhabitants in two since 1967. Now according to this BBC article, most of the inhabitants consider themselves Syrian, but have, for whatever reason, accepted Israeli citizenship during the long years of occupation. The Israelis are going to pull out, leaving it in the hands of the Lebanese. Now read this: “the majority is opposed to being under Lebanese control."
Lovely. They rather live with the Israelis than under Lebanese control? Ouch, that hurts.
And so I leave you with a picture of a Beirut street cat, and a rather feisty one at that. He looks odd, think he got his ears clipped during a fight.


Liliane said...

hmmm indeed!

and that cat looks like it had to fight to survive.. you can see there is some sort of human hurt look in his eyes... or i must be tripping here!

Dani. said...

Hmm..interesting find!