May 21, 2008

Dead Bird

Everybody (in my part of town) is all happy (If there is anything I learned this past week, it is that there are different parts of town.). The Hezbollah tent city down town is being dismantled, and the politicians came back from Doha, all buddy buddy, with an agreement (of nothing).
What an incompetent bunch. It is an insult to my intelligence.
I think the Lebanese – who suddenly all seem to be very happy and enthusiastic and optimistic about the future - are happy with a dead bird, but who am I to rain on their parade? This is something like a postponement of the execution. It will come; just not now, but a little later.

The grafitti is still there, but the occupiers have gone.
This was sprayed on a wall in a mountain village above Beirut some 23 years ago. It was a sign for the invading Israeli army. What it says I don't know (Someon help me out?).

But one consolation; in the end, nothing ever stays the way it is in this country. All the new grafitti, the display of guns; it won’t last. It think it was Sharon who compared Lebanon to a swamp. One you get in there, you get stuck, and there is no way you can make it out in one piece. You stick your nose into this country’s business, you’re going to get burned! It is for us just to sit it out the storm.


Anonymous said...

I pity my people for being so naive...
I, also, didn't understand why people were so happy today. Few days ago they were calling their leaders to stay where they are claiming they're doing fine without them...

Jundi said...

well, as a palestinian, i am very weary of this doha agreement .. as they say fool me once, shame on you .... and i already got fooled once by the mecca agreement.

but i say let the lebanese ppl celebrate and dance .. even if it is for a few days before the shit hits the fan all over again .. they could use a breather from all the tension.

but ya im with u .. its just postponing the execution like u said .. for a real solution to occur they (the rival factions) need to shed their external alliances and drop this habit of relying on outside help once and for all .. which they wont .. so basically we can expect this to keep happening.

yesterday taef, today doha, tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

for someone who has lived with the Lebanese for so long you seem to understand them so little.It's not naivite it is realism.
Everybbody knows it isn't going to last, ignore everything and enjoy the time that you have to the maximum until something else comes in to break up the party.
It's just a mode of survival for a people who are never allowed a real chance at everlasting peace. The motto is: enjoy what you can, cause tommorow who knows?

Anonymous said...

This is not a country! I am glad I left 17 years ago because what happened in the last two weeks makes my blood boil.

DC said...

Yuck, the opposition got everything they wanted. Looks like they traded executive paralysis for legislative paralysis. Least Lebanon is always good for research papers on government structure and formation?

Anonymous said...

Hi Seitske, I added a link to your blog on mine :)

Unknown said...

it's a bit hard to read, but i think the hebrew graffiti is some sort of a name, perhaps for a city or village,

Danior or Zanior, I think..

happy to help
(any time)

Anonymous said...

It must be Damour.

Riemer Brouwer said...

Yup, Damour seems to be right. According to this website, the letters are D M OO R

I never realized btw the similarities between the Hebrew and the Arabic alphabet. The Hebrew alphabet have a alif, mem, nun, qaf or sheen, just like the Arabs have. Interesting.

Anonymous said...

Yes Reimer, Hebrew and Arabic have the same roots, they are both Semitic languages. Isn't it time we have peace between cousins?