I was talking to a German journalist about the impression people from outside have when they think of Lebanon.
“People in Germany do not know much about Lebanon,” he said, “they think the entire place is all bombed flat.”
I was thinking about that this evening, as I walked through town at dusk, with a soft spring breeze playing around, and I walked by this house. I had to do a double-take.
A tree house! They have a tree house in the middle of Beirut. It had a gangway leading to the balcony of the first floor, and a cut-out heart in the wall. I always wanted a tree house like that. (Go design your own tree house here)

And I was wondering; how do you explain this to people in Germany?We have tree houses in the middle of the city?
Is this house in Ras Beirut? I remeber an old house facing the AUB on Bliss St with bamboo trees.
No, this is one street up, parallel to Bliss though. I think the old house with the bamboo was taken down two or three years ago.
I know that tree house! I think its charming! And I envy them the bamboo - one side of my yard is very exposed to the neighbors, and I'd rather they not be witness to my total failure as a gardener :).
Yeah, unfortunately, our country suffers bad advertising. I understand !
But the magic of Beirut is present indeed, and your post illustrates that wonderful city, where, at the closest of skyscrapers, you can discover lovely tree houses !
I know the house and the family who lives there. I hate to break it to you, but the structure was built by an Englishman :P
But I do agree with the gist of the post.
I love this tree house! I never see anyone in it though. I wonder if anyone would mind if I climbed in and had a little solitary party. Glad you stuck this up :)
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