I read a funny article in An-Nahar yesterday. It’s about Lebanon’s Battle of the Billboards.
I thought it would cover the sheer multitude of billboards that line the roads, and basically pollute the land- and cityscape, but it was about how the political battle is continued on bill boards. Anyway, read the article for yourself.
They mentioned something that caught my eye:
‘Hours after Hizbullah commander Imad Mughniyeh was killed, huge billboards of his burly face stenciled like the iconic Che Guevara portrait or a photo of him in battle fatigues were printed and ready to display all over Lebanon. Pictures of this man on America's Most Wanted list are among the first images to greet visitors to the country, lining the road from the airport to downtown Beirut. (….)

They mentioned something that caught my eye:
‘Hours after Hizbullah commander Imad Mughniyeh was killed, huge billboards of his burly face stenciled like the iconic Che Guevara portrait or a photo of him in battle fatigues were printed and ready to display all over Lebanon. Pictures of this man on America's Most Wanted list are among the first images to greet visitors to the country, lining the road from the airport to downtown Beirut. (….)
Like any ad firm, Ressalat's (a Hizbullah-funded organization that handles advertising and cultural events for the organization) creative director Mohamed Noureddine and his team hunkered down after Mughniyeh's killing in a car bombing in Damascus in February to come up with a sophisticated campaign. "We came up with a stencil of him so that people can remember him like they do Che Guevara," Noureddine said. "This guy sacrificed his life and it is his right to be recognized and for people to see his picture."

Che Guevera versus Imad Mughniyeh
Now there is no comparing the two. In a battle of icons, nobody beats Che. It’s a handsome, adventurous young man with long flowing hair against a pudgy middle aged housefather with glasses.
The only thing they have in common is they both are in battle fatigues. And they both considered themselves freedom fighters, but I’ll let you be the judge of that.
But I can just see these guys sitting together, brain-storming, and suddenly ‘ BLINK’, “Let’s turn this guy into a Che Guevera”. It all fits. The stenciled outline, the background (red for communism, yellow for Hezbollah).
But I can just see these guys sitting together, brain-storming, and suddenly ‘ BLINK’, “Let’s turn this guy into a Che Guevera”. It all fits. The stenciled outline, the background (red for communism, yellow for Hezbollah).
Hezbollah usually has some pretty dorky bill boards, with acne infested teenagers in battle fatigues, surrounded by pale roses, with a light pink or baby blue background, and a bright star, signaling their ascent into heavens, among the stars (basically indicating that they’re dead).
But I must admit, they’re getting better. These guys are actually getting hip! And although I prefer not to make any judgments, this is 1-0 for the opposition.

Andy Warhol (Che Guevera) versus Michael Hogue (Abbas Mussawi)
Can someone get March 14 on the line and tell their advertisement campaign manager to get on the case!
1 comment:
De waarheid kan iets of wat afwijken van het tendensieus relaas hierboven, maar de feiten blijven: De man heeft een 4 jarige peuter doodgeslagen met zijn geweerkolf.
Tijdens zijn levenslange straf trouwde hij met een medegevangene. Later behaalde hij er een graduaat politieke en sociale wetenschappen via de "Open Universiteit van Israel". Intelligent was hij dus wel.
Dat Hezbollah in de meest recente en oudere confrontaties telkens de vrijlating van deze sadist vraagt is ronduit misselijkmakend.
Nog onbegrijpelijker is de manier waarop de man onthaald werd: Zoals een nationale held. Michel Sleiman, Saniora, parlementsleden, priesters en Imams. Allen stonden ze deze "held" op te wachten in de luchthaven. Later, in Beiroet krijgt hij een publieke viering aangeboden door Nasrallah. In zijn geboorteplaats Aabey kreeg hij een welkomstfeestje, en werd hij opgewacht door Jumblad in Aabey (de man was een Druus, vandaar).
Een soldaat die vecht tegen andere soldaten staat in mijn achting nog steeds een trap hoger dan kindermoordenaars en terroristen die het zuiver gemunt hebben op burgers, ongeacht voor wie of voor wat ze staan.
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