Absolute fabulous pictures, sent to me by Kheireddine. The railroad houses of Lebanon. Same style, same water tower, different station. I don’t know who Kheireddine is, but he’s got some wonderful stuff stacked in the attic.

This is the train station of Jomhour, one stop before mine (you bet ya it's mine!). Check out this water tower and the house. It is absolutely identical. (This is a great help, so the engineer will know what it is supposed to look like in restored state)

Train station of Rayak. It is obviously a stream train, or the thing is on fire.
Thanks Keireddine, this one was much appreciated. More stuff
here and
Thank you, Sietske.
I am Kheireddine, I left Lebanon 17 years ago to Canada, I am coming from a prominent Lebanese family, my grand father was PM in the 30's, he drove the locomotive between Beirut & Zahleh in WWI to escape conscription in the Ottoman army and that is how he met my grand mother, a Christian from Zahleh. I saw the train crossing Dahr El Baidar before the war when I had your daughter's age and yes, it was still a steam train.
"my grand father was PM in the 30's"
the late kheireddine el-ahdab ?
I am so grateful for these photos, Kheireddine, thank you.
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