The conspiracy theories are going full throttle, as he was blown up in Damascus, which is supposed to be on Hebzollah’s side, not against them.
So tomorrow there will be a massive pro-government demonstration downtown to commemorate the martyred ex prime-minister Rafic Hariri, who was blown up (according to many, but not to Hezbollah) by the Syrians, while in the southern suburbs there will be an equally massive manifestation to commemorate the martyred (one automatically becomes a martyr in this place, there is no escaping it) Imad Mughniye who was blown up by . . ., well, we don’t know yet. Hezbollah says it was ‘the Zionist enemy’, but it was in Damascus.
Time will obviously not tell in this part of the world.
And I thought I was going to have a quiet day by just covering the downtown demonstration. Now I’ve got to haul ass all over town to do the Muhgniye thing as well. Pffffffffff.
My theory is that no one was blown up - it was all a bit too quick and clean. But now the US will think the Syrians did them a favor by removing a most wanted man, and Hizbullah is happy because now this guy can do his job without having to hide all the time.
You think my conspiracy theory is good enough for me to become Lebanese? And if you want any company for the hauling-ass-around-town... I'd be up for it :)
Nou, daar heb ik ook aan zitten te denken. Waarom zouden ze in hemelsnaam toegeven dat een van hun beste mensen gepakt is door de 'zionistische vijand'? Beter net doen ofdat ie weg is, kan hij inderdaad precies doorgaan als voorheen, maar nu kunnen ze het helemaal ontkenne, want hij is inmiddels dood, nietwaar?
Helemaal mee eens, maar wees voorzichtig dames.
Lieve groet
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