It is Ashoura today, a special day for the shia muslims, as today they commemorate the death of Hussein, grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, on the battlefield of Kerbala, Iraq. The death of Hussein was the beginning of the sunni/shia split, which continues in Islam to this day
It is a day of mourning in most of the shia populated regions around the Middle East. It usually involves processions and demonstrations.
It is a day of mourning in most of the shia populated regions around the Middle East. It usually involves processions and demonstrations.
In Nabatiya, in southern Lebanon, they celebrate it in an unusual way, complete with self-flagellation. It’s a bloody affair. And although it is supposed to be a sad day, there’s a twinge of festivity in the air.
Islam does not appreciate the spilling of blood, and in recent years, both the spiritual shia leader Fadlallah and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, have issued bans on this type of commemoration. But as it has become more of a culture tradition for the young men rather than a religious one, it seems to be too difficult too root out. You do not see many older guy in the processions, and most defenitely no women.
Islam does not appreciate the spilling of blood, and in recent years, both the spiritual shia leader Fadlallah and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, have issued bans on this type of commemoration. But as it has become more of a culture tradition for the young men rather than a religious one, it seems to be too difficult too root out. You do not see many older guy in the processions, and most defenitely no women.
Hezbollah has organized blood banks, in order to persuade the crowd to donate blood instead of just wasting it, and although this system seems to be working in the Hezbollah controlled southern-suburbs, here in Nabatiya the people are more free spirited.
The thing to do is (if you are male and between 17 and 35) to wear something white, go the mosque and get someone with a razorblade to tap you on the fore head two or three times. The subsequent cut will start to bleed, and you must then walk a tour through town, will hitting you head (otherwise the blood will cloth and the bleeding will stop), meanwhile calling out Hussein’s name. You do that in groups, with first-aid personnel walking by the side for any fainters. There were not many this time, it’s a lot worse during summer.
I enjoy going there during Ashoura, much to the disgust of just about everyone I know. “Yeeeeh, are you going there, with those people,” is one remark you get, “they are like barbarians there.” But even among many shia, the tradition is not looked upon favorably. “It’s a waste of blood,” said one man I talked to, “this is against our religion.”
But I like watching it. It has something medieval, something very historical (although I can’t found out since when they have been celebrating it this way in Nabatiya).
So here are some pictures for your enjoyment. If you can’t stomach blood, I suggest you surf on.
It starts early in the morning, and around 9 o’clock there are already many people in town. Everyone walks around with massive blades like this. No incidents of knifing though are reported. The only time it ever went wrong was when the Israelis in 1982 decided to drive through the procession with their tanks. That did not go down very well, I understand.
The little kids go early. Yes, you have kids as little as 2, 3 years old. This mom makes a picture while they are still white.
It is not necessary to be bleeding. Just hitting the head suffices, but the majority goes for the bloodletting part.
As the morning proceeds, it gets busier and busier, and bloodier and bloodier.
This particular one was mesmerized by the blood on his hands. He kept turning them and looking at them while his dad bandaged his head. He was done for the day.
They move in groups, separated by stretcher bearers. There does not seem to be some type of organization behind this, it looks as if it is a spontaneous manifestation, but somehow there is order in it. It is not one massive stream of bloody faces; they move in groups of up to 50 men, and there is space in between the different groups.
With every round, they return to the mosque, hang around a bit, and then move out again on the streets for another round.
Not everyone can stomach the smell of blood, which smells like faint iron (even though the guy has to carry the stretcher).
Just before noon is the high point; everyone is out now, and as bloody as can be.
There is some police presence, but overall you do not see a lot of police around the route they walk. I wonder what some of these policemen must think. Lebanon is a very segregated society in many ways, and christians from Jounieh would not set a foot here. And even if they are muslim, they may be sunni, and then again they’d have no reason to ever visit this shia-dominated town. So they may have never ever witnessed this before. One policeman I talked to seemed a bit flabbergasted. He didn’t know what to think of it. ‘Haram’, was all he could say. (Haram could be translated as ‘pity’, but also as ‘shame’)
The Red Cross people keep ‘em on their feet.
In France, in summer time, there are many towns and villages that stage medieval festivals, complete with medieval music, fighting knights and BBQ’s where entire pigs are grilled on a spit and you have to eat with your hands. I got reminded of that when I saw the BBQ with the BYO meat. I assume this is grilled lamb.
Meanwhile, on the village square, the local theater company (I’m making this up, but somebody has been rehearsing here) is presenting the ‘Battle of Kerbela’, where Hussein and family finally meet their tragic (and gruesome) end.
In case you are wondering why most people are in black; it’s a mourning.
These guys are resting in the mosque entrée, drinking juice and smoking a cigarette.
Meanwhile the mosque is just about overrunning with blood. This is what upsets Hezbollah greatly, but they are not the once who are in charge here.
The push it out onto the streets.
And then they get to go back home with their girls.
I enjoy going there during Ashoura, much to the disgust of just about everyone I know. “Yeeeeh, are you going there, with those people,” is one remark you get, “they are like barbarians there.” But even among many shia, the tradition is not looked upon favorably. “It’s a waste of blood,” said one man I talked to, “this is against our religion.”
But I like watching it. It has something medieval, something very historical (although I can’t found out since when they have been celebrating it this way in Nabatiya).
So here are some pictures for your enjoyment. If you can’t stomach blood, I suggest you surf on.

As the morning proceeds, it gets busier and busier, and bloodier and bloodier.

In case you are wondering why most people are in black; it’s a mourning.

This year no Hezbollah participation. When they get down to business, there's this blanket that descends upon the town. End of the fun.
I just want to thank you for this amazing covering of Ashoura in Nabatiye. You managed to give us a detailed picture about how the locals live this memory.
Keep up the good work :)
Walla! This looks so awful...I don't know what to say. I have a friend who was born in Nabatiya and I usually have a deep respect for other cultures other than my own, but this is too much for me I'm sorry to say.
ew what the fuck is this shit...this is like someone is like some devils satanic ritual :| hit urself because your sorry for fucking ali ? shias should go straight to freaking hell...GO ISRAEL FUCK EM UP REAL BAD !
It seems that posts regarding traditional customs of certain religious sects generate a lot of negative comments. And even though these cultural phenomena are only derived from a certain event that has gained religious significance in a distant past (such as Christmas, for instance, or Easter), and are quite common in a number of world cultures, this particular fact seems to be overlooked by certain commentators.
And even though this particular custom may seem awkward to you, body piercing may seem awkward to others.
Harry Z had a similar problem on his blog regarding an Ashoura video. Read his response at
I therefore issue a warning.
Stat counter lists all IP numbers of all computer users that visit my blog. It also list the IP number of all those that leave comments, including the time they visited my blog, when they exited it, when they wrote the comments and who their providers are.
If you insist on making derogatory remarks toward a certain religious sect (let’s say the shia), I will not have any qualms about sharing this information to any organization (such as Hezbollah, for instance) that feels they should protect/promote the rights of that particular sect if they would request to do so.
It may not be ethically correct, but neither are the comments. Be civilized when you visit here.
Bog Administrator
Dear Sietske,
I apologize for the conduct on your blog. My brother came up to me and just showed me what he has written here together with your latest posting in the comments section. He really freaked out. My cousin and him were posting here and these internet accounts are not registered to them. Their parents shouldn't get into trouble for the stupid things kids do. Anyway don't take offense to their ramblings, it only comes from (very) young people who I don't think really understand what they're doing. After this I hope they will. These aren't the type of values our parents raised them with. There's a lot of pain going around these days that seems to be overflowing but this isn't an excuse. I'm sad that you're getting sick of the situation in Lebanon when you have stuck with us throughout so much because you are more devoted than many Lebanese.
Yours Sincerely,
Blog administrator accepts the apologies on behalf of all religious sects in Lebanon.
Blog administrator
My uncle took my cousin to see the Ashoura rite in Nabatiye back in the 70s, when she was a teenager. She was very disturbed by it - we're Christian. But my uncle felt she should see this.
Self-flagellation was extremely popular among European Catholics, you must all remember.
I just wanted to say on behalf of shia muslims that this is not what ashura is about, ashoura is simply a commemoration of the tragic martyr of imam hussein (alayhisallam). Islam does not preach harming urself in such a way, and shia sheikhs and leaders call this the wrong thing to do and say that this is infact haram (forbidden) for shia's to do.
I just wanted to make that clear because we have many non-muslims who visit these sites and get a wrong image of what islam and shia are about.
Thank you and Salamu Alaykum
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