October 07, 2007


A wall I ran into today (not literally) .
I wonder; would this have been the bathroom or the kitchen? The blue tiles are rather unusual.
There are quite a few abandoned buildings in Lebanon. Not all of them are war-related abandonment. In some cases the owners went abroad (well, that’s probably war –related), but more often than not the neglect is due to too many inheritors. Grandfather dies, and there are 18 grand children; one wants to sell, another doesn’t, a third isn’t there and so they cannot proceed with the inheritance, and then these buildings just sort of crumble and slowly disappear. There are several terrains that I know of where the heirs are so numerous and globally spread, that the property is never even going to get sold.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it sad that something like that happens to old heritage!?
It almost feels like loosing cultural identity!!!

Anonymous said...

curturla identity? bathroom tiles?

Anonymous said...

Dear anonymus,

Things like this are the "toe nails" of a house, that makes it feel as a part of your life.