August 29, 2007

The Corniche is being ‘pimped’, and a new barrier is being installed. I was a bit dismayed at first; the new fence seemed way too high for people to sit on, as they used to with the old one. For those unfamiliar with Beirut, a stroll along the beach boulevard at sunset is an absolute ‘must’. It looks a bit like this;

(Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) That is the same photographer as the one that won the World Press Photo (remember, the girls in the red car, driving through the southern suburbs after the Israeli bombardments?). It was taken on August 11, 2006, during the war. As you can see, even a war did not deter Beirutis from a stroll along the Corniche.

The old barrier was just two bars; an excellent height to sit on. And sit is what the guys do, as they are watching the women walk by. (Photo by John Wreford)

The new barrier is a hefty 5 bars high, and impossible to sit on as the top barrier is moved inwards. However, this evening, I noticed (with relief, I might add) that this barrier provides an even better seat.

1 comment:

Moussa Bashir said...

the low fence caused a couple of casualties in the past. wind and waves actually pulled the victims from over the fence into the sea. there was also the anxiety of looking after the 4-5 yr kids while running wild on the corniche for fear of falling.
i just hope they are rust proof.