Conversations We Have; Part II
Actual conversation between 3 small girls in the back of my car Friday afternoon, as we drive on the recently re-opened road that passes by the St. George hotel, scene of the Hariri car bomb in 2005, but also a famous beach in Beirut.
The 7-year old girls says: “We go to this beach. A bomb went off here.”
The 6-year old girl replies; “We go to the other beach with the bomb.”
Upon which my 4-year old pipes up, indignantly, “Mom, how come our beach didn’t have a bomb?”
Actual conversation between 3 small girls in the back of my car Friday afternoon, as we drive on the recently re-opened road that passes by the St. George hotel, scene of the Hariri car bomb in 2005, but also a famous beach in Beirut.
The 7-year old girls says: “We go to this beach. A bomb went off here.”
The 6-year old girl replies; “We go to the other beach with the bomb.”
Upon which my 4-year old pipes up, indignantly, “Mom, how come our beach didn’t have a bomb?”
Looks like a very clean camp, compared to eg Shatila.
Like your blog by the way!
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