March 02, 2007

Sunrise in Beirut

Beautiful sunrise this morning. This is the only house I've ever lived in (and town, for that matter) where I could see a perfect sunrise and sunset from the same spot. Perfect in the sense thatn the sun rises and sets over geographical, natural features, rather than man-made objects.
Will they bomb Iran? I hope not. If they do, we will feel it too over here. Let's see what today brings.


Anonymous said...

Politics have been boring in Holland lately. We have a male model at Finance, and Geert Wilder may stir thing up a bit, but that's about it. Nothin on TV. So why not bomb Iran?

Anonymous said...

En een koffiejuf bij de PvdA.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Je nichtje heeft ook al een blog:

Anonymous said...

hellooooo sietskesietskesietske (6)
ik heb ook lekker een blog hahaaa
jij hebt ook een heel mooi blog maar je moet echt wat aan die kleuur doen hoorr . =)ennuu hoe gaat het met jouu + familiooo ? (A)
doeeeii !

Unknown said...

wow that's too early a wake-up hour for me... been reading your blog for some time now, with much interest. keep it up.

adiamondinsunlight said...

I'm so glad that you posted this photograph. The sky was breathtaking that morning - one of the most beautiful sunrises I have seen this spring.