January 25, 2007

Curfew / Avondklok

And so we have been grounded. I’ve never been grounded in my life, so it is a bit disturbing to be told that I may not leave my house until 6 o’clock tomorrow morning, provided the situation stays calm. The Dutch embassy even send us a note. (Avondklok = Dutch for curfew) Not that I often leave the house in the evenings, but still, it’s the thought that counts.
The supermarket closed early today; 6:00 instead of 10:00 P.M. As you may remember, I’ve got enough lentils and rice to last me until summer (and sardines; a left-over still from my hubbie’s war stock), but I went out to get some wine.

We’ll see if the roads are open tomorrow, and the curfew will be lifted. I’ve got to do a story, but that implies I actually have to go to the area. I will not say that these are strange times; I’ve said it often enough.
By the way, I thought this (read below) was so sad, that it is almost hilariously funny.
'BEIRUT, Lebanon Jan. 25 — Violence erupted in Beirut today for the second time in three days, as a lunchroom altercation at a Beirut university escalated into rioting and gunfire.
At least three people were shot dead and 35 were wounded in street fighting today that began with a scuffle inside the student cafeteria of the Beirut Arab University in the Sunni neighborhood of Tariq Jadideh. It spilled over into street violence in the surrounding area.


Anonymous said...

hé siets, even serieus, wat denk je zelf...
gaat 't mis?
was vandaag op radio 1 nog behoorlijk optimistisch...

Anonymous said...

Volgens mij valt het ook wel mee. Ik zit er over te denken om vandaag maar weer te gaan skieen. Voel me een beetje schuldig, doe de hele week al niks, loop alleen maar te lanterfanten en krijg er nog betaalt voor ook. Toch maar skieen, dan kan ik het weekend overslaan, dan is het toch te druk op die piste. Vandaag gebeurd er niks, denk ik.