December 13, 2006

The Tree Ain't Real

I am late this year, but things have been rather hectic lately. (Blame it on the Israelis and the Syrians) Getting the tree took quite some time and effort. It’s difficult getting somewhere in this town these days, because there are either demonstrations, blockades, commemoration services, funerals or assassinations. Always a reason to block off a road to a certain part of town, and those trees were out of reach forever. When I finally did get around to shop for a tree, prices has gone up quite a bit. Was the cheapest tree at Exotica around 100,000 pounds last year, this year they wanted a whopping 148,000 for a tree that looks like it was imported from Chernobyl. I did my math; $100 for 20 days is about $5 a day for a tree. I drove all over town, but either they were pathetic looking, or equally expensive. And so I pulled out (and dusted) the old fake one we had somewhere in the attic.
Apart from the odor (which I love but to which hubbie is allergic), it doesn’t look too bad. It is a sign of the times though. We’re having to cut back, due to a poor economy, and deal with the surrogate rather than the real.
Next year I’m going for a real tree again. It just doesn’t feel right, this plastic thing.
Christmas is coming, but I don't know about Merry this year.
To keep you in the Christmas Spirt, here's how to make snowflakes.


Anonymous said...

Heb je ook nog kersttips voor toeristen in en om Beiroet?


Anonymous said...

Mail me even, dan geef ik je mijn nummer wel als je komt.