October 24, 2006

Dental Work

Cousin O is in serious need of some dental work. One tooth is gone already, and the other one is sort of leaning like an old tombstone in a graveyard. When cousin O was born, the idea was that he would be called exactly that; O. However, in view of society's general lack of understanding things that are beyond and above the unusual, they decided to amend it a little into a more ‘acceptable’ name. To us, however, he remains cousin O. He’s not eating apples anymore for the moment. And what a pity, because we just got back from zjiddo’s house (Arabic for grandfather), who’s got an orchard of different apple trees.
Here are some other cousins; Niels (could use some dental work too), Nienke, Eddie, Jelle, Sietske (Jr.), Hana and Maaike


Anonymous said...

oh, but Niels is going to have an earjob first.

Dental Treatment Abroad said...

My dentist said that it wasn't a good idea to remove otherwise healthy teeth, my parents concurred, so I didn't get mine removed. 23 years later, I still have them with no adverse consequences whatsoever

Dentist said...

The key is to take good care of your teeth by brushing at least thrice a day and visiting your dentist at least twice a year.