September 04, 2006

On Resilience and Humor

You got to hand it to them. When you are driving now through Beirut, it is as if nothing ever happened (except of course if you go to south Beirut). The beach (read; a piece of concrete with two pools by the seaside) was absolutely packed yesterday. Streets are busy, shops are reasonably full again. Admitted; not all the shelves in the supermarkets are full (milk is missing, among others, due to the ongoing Israeli blockade), and the restaurants are complaining that they do not have as many costumers as usually, but people are going out.
If part of Holland would be bombed for 33 days, and the level of destruction would be the same as in Dahiye and the south, Holland would be on its ass for the next five years. People would be displaying psychological problems from here to Rome, everyone would be at the shrink, and society would be totally disrupted for years and years to come. A little bit like the 9/11 thing in the States. I see on Discovery, or is it on NG?, that they are having a 9/11 week again, where the relive the whole event in detail, for the umpteenth time I think.
Not in Lebanon. The attitude is different. The Lebanese are like a weed. It’s like they want to say ‘Fuck It All, I intend to continue living. You can’t get me down.’ Amazing. All the foreigners I speak to display the same astonishment.

A lot of jokes have emerged about the war here in Lebanon. You can check them out here, here and here (among others). When you can’t laugh about yourself, you do have a serious issue. But the same is going on on the other side. The Israelis obviously need to vent their frustration as well, and here are some examples.

Israelis calling the Burger King in Beirut
The first one is from an Israeli radio show. Two Israelis are calling the Beirut Burger King and try to order hamburgers.
Catch Nasrallah
The second one may be offensive to some, so don’t click if you get easily offended. It’s a game where you have to try and catch Nasrallah.
Try Your Hand at Some Precision Bombing
Another one is a little nastier, definitely if you used to live in Dahiye. You can try your luck at some precision bombing of the neighborhood.

For those on the outside during the war, and would like to look in, check out these homemade videos made of the fighting:

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