October 28, 2005

Working Again

Aha, the photo upload feature is back in business, so here's my other sunset with the 'different' sea.
Just picked up Eddie from a party; he's starting to go to evening parties, pretty soon we will be having night parties. These evening parties are very innocent, no alcohol involved, and I don't think any of the kids smoke yet. This, however, is going to change very rapidly in a couple of years. I don't see hubbie getting worried over anyhting, but then again, he was going to parties in a time when not only alcohol and cigarettes were involved, but when everyone was toting guns, RPG's and what else, and when there was basically no law and even less order. And he survived it quite well. So I guess it'll be me who will lay awake until I hear Eddie come home. Pfffff, does not sound like fun. Well, if you can't beat them, join them.
Just got a new harddrive installed, 'cause I had no more space on my computer for pictures. Everytime I would store something, I'd get this message about storage space or something, and how I had to do a clean-up disk feature. With my new 200 GB, that is a story from the past. I think I had like 40 to begin with.

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